Let us help you identify, simplify, and work towards your financial goals.

We can guide you through the maze of financial complexities.

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About Us

We are dedicated to providing investment services, retirement planning, and strategic wealth planning that is suitable for you. Simply put, we strive to be our client’s trusted advisor.

Our Philosophy

The core of who we are is rooted in loyalty and trust - it is the foundation from which we grow a relationship with our customers. This is what makes us different. From first time investors to those seeking stability for their twilight years, we are here to support, educate, and offer insight to every individual that we encounter.

Our Process

We believe a detailed planning process can be one of the most effective ways to create financial confidence. An effective plan may not only provide financial confidence throughout your life, it can help reduce the damage disability, critical illness, or other sudden losses of income may have.

Our Services


Asset Management

You and your family (partner, spouse) work hard to accumulate assets over a lifetime. The hope is that, when the time comes for you to leverage those assets, they’ll be there for you to benefit from.

Insurance Planning

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that living it brings. The best laid plans can sometimes come to naught! Even though you may think you’ve covered all the bases, life sometimes has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it.

Financial Planning

Whether it’s owning your own home, funding your children’s education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. We use a consultative approach to create a financial plan that aims to meet your objectives.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning shouldn’t start at retirement; it should start well before. We take a long-term view of your financial wellbeing to help create a life after work that is as well-planned as your life while working.

Estate Planning

Estate planning isn’t an exclusive activity for the ultra-wealthy. Simply put, it’s a plan for who will look after your children and what should happen to your assets, if something happens.


Not everyone of us is equally prepared for retirement. While some of us are fortunate to have built a nest egg that will last us through our Golden Years, others will depend on government programs for retirement income. Regardless of which side of this divide you are on, Annuities can be a powerful...

Charitable Giving

Everyone has their own reason for gifting their assets or a portion of their income to charitable organizations. Some find comfort in helping others who are less fortunate, while others simply want to share their good fortune. Many of the institutions of art, sciences and education are supported in...

Employee Benefits for Business Owners

There is a direct link between business success and employee benefits. Some of the most successful businesses are those with satisfied employees. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that some of the most satisfied (and productive, dedicated and loyal!) employees are those that are content with the...

Executive Compensation for Business Owners

In a small business setting, it could take years to find or develop the executive talent needed to build the business to the next level. Executive talent is hard to come by, and it is even more difficult on the business when it walks out the door in pursuit of another opportunity.

Our Team

Marilyn F. Allen headshot

Marilyn F. Allen, C(k)P®, CRPC®, CPFA *CRPC conferred by College for Financial Planning.

As the founder of Atlantic Wealth Management Group, LLC, Marilyn Allen is passionate about taking care of her clients and their Wealth Management needs. Marilyn began her journey in Wealth Management over twenty years ago and launched Atlantic Wealth Management Group, LLC in 2019.

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Believe it or not social media scams have been picking more pockets than any other scam today––including phone call and text fraud. 1 There have been more than $2.7 billion in losses to social media scams between January 2021 and June 2023. 2 And whether or not you’ve seen these cons in action, they don’t look the same today as they did even a year ago. 2 They’re becoming more personalized and harder to detect...